The first scan, 'New Kids in the Cases', was a loose line cartoon used by the Natural Sciences department at the Oakland Museum.

After retirement from her school teaching job, my wife volunteered as a docent in that department. This was a 'wifely' request....can't turn those down! Next, a couple of wine label comps for my brother....planned in one color to hold down costs.

Retiring from an engineering career in Southern California, he and his wife moved up to Sonoma County, a well known wine growing and making area. He 'engineered' a marvelous wine cellar, outfitted and cooled to a constant temperature needed for storage and the production process. Making good wines is both a science and an art....and a bit of luck for good measure. Amateurs can make, bottle and distribute wines....but not sell them. He won many awards at fairs and competitions....and of course, we benefitted. He chose a third label, not shown here....I think I like these better.
A comp for 'Moxie's' follows.

In the 80's a daughter's friend opened a restaurant in Chico, catering to college students. The name was in honor of his much loved Australian Shepherd. My daughter, a community college art instructor, was the gallery art 'promoter'. Friends and students work....and a bit far out for my tastes. This logo, for some reason, was not used....may have been concern about rights or legalities....whatever. Then another request, influenced by my wife's participation for years in the Lafayette Garden Club. The line cover, front and back, was for their yearly membership directory. The gazebo plantings are maintained by the club.

Finally, two designs produced in silk screen, the first, magnetized boxes for fishing lures.

Small travel items on the second box.

Last, and I may need to 'duck' incoming here. Unrelated to the above was a small comp prep for the Tejon Ranch painting...

...the other for a remarque.

Reason....I found this breed fascinating to draw. The strong color pattern, the thick neck, and uniquely faired head and bill shape.
* Charlie Allen's Flickr set.