(With credits to Barron's magazine and Frank Cotham)
But with this year's frigid winter, the cartoon just might warm a few hearts. The CAWS will head back to the early 50's, and the B&W PG&E consumer ads of that time. Most include dogs. They were an important family symbol.

These ads were about young families, and about selling new appliances....no one worried about using too much energy back then. This group should pretty much finish the scans of that PG&E series, with the exception of three or four 'location' ads showing low energy rates in California.

All of these are self explanatory....really, not much to say about them. Pen, brush and ink on Whatman Illustration board. As I remember, time was usually short. The AD at BBD&O would send over an ad layout....the illustration space left blank. We'd talk over instructions on the subject and appliances...a comp not needed. We were fond of dachshunds then, and we ended up owning one for about seven years. Definitely a character, and a great rat-catcher, he appeared in several ads.

Bruce Bomberger and Stan Galli used to favor dalmatians, the 'fire house dog', in their illustrations. For some reason, and for drawing purposes, I preferred spaniels and terriers.

My wife and oldest daughter posed for the 'bank book' ad.

Our two youngest were the little ones in front of the red leather chair with the relaxed dad. Won't identify him...

...except to say, I always improved the model!
Happy New Year!
Charlie Allen's Flickr set