Last time we looked, fifty two weeks added up to a year. This is CAWS #52... hard to believe! When started, I had no idea posting scans of ads done over the years would last (drag on?) this long. For better or worse, and before we sail off into the sunset, a few more to go. Metaphorically, it's probably late afternoon. The anniversary might just call for lifting a glass of the 'bubbly'....if so....cheers! Actually preferred would be a chilly Sierra Pale Ale or a Moose honor our Canadian contingent. And, as we 'clear the decks', age doesn't imply better examples of ads and work done over a long career....but maybe some just a bit different.
The CAWS has some comps left over....and maybe this is as good a time as any to show them. Boring maybe....but the early thinking process is essential, and in hindsight, interesting to the illustrator who starts with a drawing pad only. First, for Aerojet General over in Sacramento, maker of booster rockets and other esoteric space stuff....a pencil comp, I think for an annual report. No finish on that....but I recall doing one finish for record of it now. I went over there a couple of times, but a long drive and difficult contact.

Next, for a Master Nurseryman's Association....a small agency our client...

...two comps for B&W trade ads....the second one used.

A finished proof lacking on the 'R is for Rose' sketch....but the next scan, 'T is for Thanksgiving', is a line B&W proof in that series.

Next on the list, a comp for Marcus Millichap, a south bay commercial real estate company. A group of ads done for them in the 70's will be posted soon. The 'gold miner' theme was one they used several times.

Following those....a bunch of marker comps for State Fund for one of their many brochures.

Again, lacking a finished example.

The last of those showing typical agency penciled notes....and the emphasis, so PC and sensitive at the time, on clearly including racial minorities.

We'll show three small sections of a large pencil comp for a poster for Ortho Chemical, McCann Erickson the client.

The product, a chemical treatment or spray for invasive pond weeds. Very much like a botanical drawing assignment...

...and the only contribution by me was an attempt to create a good design on each group of weeds. I don't recall doing a finished illustration on this.

Finally, a group of awful B&W copies of color marker comps ...

...for a point of sale Del Monte poster campaign.

Eight or more in all, a ridiculous deadline, the theme, 'Music in America'...

...all crunched out in two or three days.

I did the storyboard-like cartoons, others put in the copy.

Again, time ran out for finished art and for production before the scheduled week of food store, no finished work.

A big relief for this cat!
* If Leif has the time and patience....I'd like to paraphrase a couple of quotes by Edgar Whitney, former AD for McCann Erickson in N.Y.... and in later years the very colorful curmudgeon and summer water color class teacher in Maine. Actually a better communicator and teacher than his paintings indicated, he left behind an assortment of wise, pithy, funny, but right-on admonitions that his students and we can still enjoy. Just two here, paraphrased to apply to illustration as well as painting. First....'You get facts from nature and should get art from illustrators!' And one of his pithier ones....'Beginning an illustration without doing a like going to the bathroom without first pulling your pants down!' I'll bet most of us have attempted the first one of those!
* Charlie Allen's Flickr set